Your HVAC system serves a dual purpose beyond temperature control; it plays a significant role in shaping your indoor air quality (IAQ). Yet, if you’re not attentive, this impact could lean towards the negative.

In recent years, indoor air quality (IAQ) has emerged as a growing concern. The statistics reveal that people now spend up to 90 percent of their day indoors, according to the CDC. Ironically, the air indoors tends to be more contaminated than the outdoor air. Especially during the winter and summer seasons, windows remain shut to conserve heating or cooling. This sealed environment traps dust, dirt, bacteria, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and other pollutants inside, with no easy escape route. The good news is, you can take action to counter this, and your HVAC system can be a valuable ally.

In this article, we’ll explore three ways in which your heating and cooling system can impact your indoor air quality, with a particular focus on the furnace as winter approaches. Additionally, we’ll delve into three strategies for leveraging your HVAC system to enhance the quality of the air you breathe within your home.

Three Ways Your Furnace Affects Indoor Air Quality7 ways to improve indoor air quality and reduce air pollution in your home.

  1. Producing Dry Air
  2. Circulating Pollutants
  3. Trapping Contaminants Inside

Producing Dry Air

Naturally, cooler air tends to be drier than its warmer counterpart. This occurs because warm air can hold more moisture, or humidity, than cold air. However, during the winter, the warm air inside your home often lacks the humidity present in the cold air outside, courtesy of your furnace. Your HVAC system heats the air but typically does not add moisture to it.

As a result, you’re left with excessively dry, warm air. Even if you open the windows to allow for air circulation, you won’t be introducing any moisture; in fact, it might exacerbate the dryness. This situation often leads to symptoms reminiscent of seasonal allergies, such as dry and itchy skin, red eyes, and more.

Furthermore, this dry environment can be a contributing factor to winter nosebleeds, as the capillaries in nasal passages tend to dry out and become more susceptible to cracking during these conditions.


Three Ways Your Heating and Cooling System Can Improve Indoor Air Quality

Your HVAC system becomes a tool for improving indoor air quality in the winter when you:

  1. Change Your Air Filters
  2. Use Humidifiers
  3. Install an Air Purifier

Change Your Air Filters

The initial step in safeguarding your indoor air quality against various pollutants is to ensure your air filter is clean and functioning optimally.

AC Air Filters: What To Know & How To Replace AC Filters


Thankfully, maintaining this is a simple and cost-effective solution. Your air filter plays a crucial role in capturing harmful particles like dust, debris, and pet fur as they pass through your ventilation system. However, it’s essential to replace them every three months or more frequently to prevent clogging, which can lead to various issues.

For those who are particularly sensitive to allergens or other airborne contaminants, consider investing in higher-grade filters. These advanced filters not only capture sma

ller particles but can also help eliminate certain odors and even smoke.




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